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The Practice of Godliness

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Scripture tells us that God has given us “everything we need for life and godliness.” But what makes a Christian godly?

In this book, Navigator author Jerry Bridges examines what it means to grow in Christian character. Learn more about the character of God as you grow a deeper relationship with Him. Establish the foundation upon which godly character is built and continue by developing maturity and pursuing holiness.

240 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1983

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About the author

Jerry Bridges

115 books588 followers
JERRY BRIDGES was an author and conference speaker. His most popular book, The Pursuit of Holiness, has sold over one million copies. Jerry was on the staff of The Navigators for over fifty years, and currently served in the Collegiate Mission where he was involved primarily in staff development, but also served as a speaker resource to the campus ministries.

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11 reviews1 follower
August 12, 2012
If you are serious about your relationship with God and want to walk closer with Him, you may find this book very helpful.
Profile Image for Marcel.
32 reviews8 followers
January 21, 2018
Obra de leitura deliciosa, na qual somos desafiados ao exercício da piedade, reconhecendo os traços piedosos do fruto do Espírito e sendo confrontados pela aplicação da palavra de Deus às nossas vidas.

O velho Bridges vai deixar saudade. Que bom que o exercício dele já foi completado. Ele já está na glória, e já pode experimentar o gozo de estar com o Senhor e de ser semelhante a Ele.

Que nós possamos nos dedicar a esse exercício, capacitados pelo Espírito, para um dia chegarmos lá também! :)
Profile Image for Ana Reichert Ribas.
9 reviews3 followers
February 24, 2022
Que livro! É daquelas leituras demoradas pra conseguir digerir todos os ensinamentos preciosos. Diversas vezes o autor chama atenção do leitor para a necessidade de memorizar versículos, como o salmista diz “Feliz quem na lei do Senhor encontra sua alegria e nela medita dia e noite” (Sl 1:2). Como meditar na palavra dia e noite se nem sempre temos a bíblia ao nosso alcance? Memorizando versículos!

Além disso, o apóstolo Paulo incentivava a igreja de Corinto a se exercitar na piedade. O se “exercitar” é um verbo, e como todo verbo, representa uma ação, um esforço. Assim, o autor fala que somos totalmente dependentes do Espírito, mas ao mesmo tempo totalmente responsáveis pelo exercício na piedade. O exercício da piedade deve ser buscado diariamente e ter como estímulo a promessa do céu e a glorificação dos santos.
Profile Image for Anne Michal.
87 reviews6 followers
April 18, 2023
Read for MC book club. A good basic intro to the topic of godliness.
Profile Image for Brandy.
42 reviews4 followers
October 27, 2016
I bought this study as a new Christian twenty years ago and never did it until now. Since I'm no longer a new believer the attributes are not new, but I'm pleased the material deepened my understanding to build on what God and His word have been teaching me over the years. I think I absorbed them better and am better able to apply the lessons now than if I had done this study when I first bought it. I highly recommend this book with the accompanying study guide.
Profile Image for ValeReads Kyriosity.
1,243 reviews182 followers
March 22, 2022
I'm afraid I found this too soft, sensitive, and sudsy.

The thing about virtue is that its got manlinessvir, from which we also get virile—right there in its name. But there just wasn't a whiff of manly strength in this book. He used the word sensitive over and over in his description of various characteristics of godliness, but rarely (if ever) words like courageous, bold, or strong. And I think the only examples he gave of a husband serving his wife were talking out the garbage and doing the dishes. I'm afraid this sort of half-baked focus on feminine virtues has been a great disservice to the church for many decades now.

The reader was well suited, which in this case isn't much of a compliment. He had a soft, gentle, unmasculine tone.
Profile Image for Raphael Dantas.
10 reviews1 follower
December 14, 2020
Excelente livro, duro e forte também. É muito difícil viver uma vida piedosa, mas não é impossível. O Espírito Santo nos capacita a viver dessa forma e este livro nos mostra de forma objetiva e prática o que é viver piedosamente. Certeza que esse livro vai te abençoar. Leia!
Profile Image for Mindy Detweiler.
66 reviews24 followers
May 19, 2010
My Take: I think that with most Christians nowadays (myself included until recently) we think that as long as we are attending every church service going to all the programs that the church has to offer that we are doing what we should be doing. I have noticed that alot of Christians are doing that but they feel like something is missing. This book address that issue very well.

Mr. Bridges says in this book that the crucial characteristic of our growth in godly devotion is to have a balanced approach to all three essential elements of devotion: fear, love and desire.

He talks quite a bit about having a fear of God. I think that this has been lost in todays Christian world. We have been brought up with the images of God as fatherly and that He is someone that we can come to with anything which is true but we also need to have a fear of Him.

Mr Bridges uses the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5 as characteristics that we need to strive for so we can practice Godliness.

The set that I received from Navpress for review contained the book, a study guide and blank cards to write verses on . The study guide helps the reader to hone in on what Mr. Bridges has said in the chapters and to apply the material to their personal lives.

I feel that this book has helped me to grow.

I received a copy of the book and the study guide for review from Navpress and am not reguired to offer a postitive reveiw.
Profile Image for John.
29 reviews
June 7, 2012
I gave up writing dow quotes in chapter 3, but there were many more things that struck me. This was a very challenging and encouraging read. I specifically recommend the first 3 chapters.

Quotes that stood out to me as I read:
"The definition of godliness we will use in this book is devotion to God which results in a life that is pleasing to Him." (pgs. 15-16)

"The practice of godliness is first of all the cultivation of a relationship with God, and from this the cultivation of a life that is pleasing to God. Our concept of God and our relationship with Him determine our conduct." (pg. 17)

"The Reverend Albert N. Martin has said that the essential ingredients of the fear of God are (1) correct concepts of the character of God, (2) a pervasive sense of the presence of God, and (3) a constant awareness of our obligation to God." (pgs. 22-23)

"We would much rather pray, 'Lord, make me godly,' and expect Him to 'pour' some godliness into our souls in some mysterious way." (pg. 33)

"The emphasis of our age is on serving God, accomplishing things for God." (pg. 33)
5 reviews1 follower
June 4, 2020
When it comes to practical and helpful books on the Christian life, Bridges authors some of the best. In the first five chapters, Jerry Bridges lays the groundwork for practicing godliness. He helps the reader understand what the motivation and goal of practicing godliness should be, and then proceeds to walk the reader through practical ways to put off the deeds of the flesh and put on the fruits of the Spirit. Bridges walks through familiar godly traits like humility, contentment, and love, but also talks about the godly traits of peace, patience, gentleness, and goodness. Bridges is faithful to counsel using the Scriptures, biblically define the godly traits, and urges the reader to seek to memorize Scripture in order to battle against the flesh and pursue godliness. He constantly reminds the reader of their dependency on the Spirit, and that their aim should be God-centered. I would recommend reading this book, but before you read The Practice of Godliness, you should pick up a copy of The Pursuit of Holiness, which is the prequel to this book.
4 reviews12 followers
May 23, 2017
"A book to be studied, not just read". Appreciated the author's defining what the New Testament conveys godliness as, a personal attitude toward God that results in actions that are pleasing to Him. I never thought of it that way. What is my attitude towards God, the most wonderful person in the universe (loved this description came upon in book, so accurate!)? He goes on to elaborate on personal attitude towards God being devotion to God. Devotion to God is composed of fear of God, love for God, and a desire for God. This book helped me be aware of what it means to grow in godliness, and how we can do so with the Lord's help.
Profile Image for Brenda.
357 reviews
April 4, 2020
This is the sequel to The Pursuit of Holiness. Jerry Bridges really has a gift for explaining what Christianity should look like in real life, but he doesn't stop there. He is even more gifted in providing practical guidance and counsel for living the life we are called to, which is especially helpful for those of us who didn't grow up under a Christian influence. I look forward to reading more of his work.
March 26, 2024
Wow. Jerry Bridges is both theologically masterful and easy-to-understand. This book was extraordinarily difficult to read; just a straight-up reckoning with my shortcomings (of which are so daily numerous, a review wouldn’t fully do justice to them all). There were several days I did not read it, despite how compelling and Biblically sound it is, simply because I was as too ashamed to bother continuing. Thank God - the answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord. I’m even more grateful this season for His blood, death, and resurrection in ways I haven’t been before because the Holy Spirit used this book to thwack me upside the head.

My words are genuinely few to describe how transformative this book is. Should be required reading for every serious Christian who recognizes their need for daily further grace and dependency upon the Living God. I will be repeatedly returning to this book on my shelf for reference with Scripture. It is a book that will reignite passion for the Lord the JOY of His salvation.
58 reviews2 followers
May 23, 2023
Listened to this off and on over many months and am purchasing a paper copy now to focus in on one topic at a time. Especially appreciated chapters near the end on gentleness and love. He writes some motivational statements based on 1 Cor 13 that I plan to post in my house. A few examples:
“I am patient with you because I love you and want to forgive you.”
“I am kind to you because I love you and want to help you.”
“I do not envy your possessions or your gifts because I love you and want you to have the best.”
“I do not boast about my attainments because I love you and want to hear about yours.”
“I am not rude because I love you and care about your feelings.”
“I am not easily angered by you because I love you and want to overlook your offenses.”

Also as he suggests, I want to begin to memorize and pray a scripture for each topic as I go through them and hope to share and implement, short and sweet, with my kids too.
July 12, 2020
Es glorioso ser recordado en q nuestra responsabilidad no solo descansa en tener fe y vivir. Sino en ejercitarse diariamente en crecer en piedad y devocion a Dios. Esto no nos hace mas q otros si no q nos enfoca en agradar mas a Dios y ponernos a su completa dispisicion caminando hacia el. Jerry bridge hace un recuento increible de lo q se supone hagamos para ejercitarnos en esa devocion libro altamente recomendado esto es algo q no se habla en las iglesias o es demasiado superficial.
68 reviews
June 2, 2020
There is nothing particularly insightful about this book, but I found it very helpful to go over all the traits that Christians should be exhibiting and each day examine a bit of my own life to understand where I can grow.
Profile Image for Hope.
32 reviews1 follower
January 23, 2022
Loved this book!! Highly highly recommend!

Bridges has a way of communicating so clearly in a way that is convicting but also motivates you to continue pursuing God-centeredness and God-likeness.

I really liked how the book was structured, with the first 5 chapters discussing godliness as a whole and the following chapters each focusing on a specific character trait (humility, contentment, joy, thankfulness, self-control, patience, gentleness, etc.). Not only did this give me a better understanding of what godliness really is and what it looks like, but it also helped me identify areas where I most need help to grow. Bridges also provides some counsel as to how you can practically strive to become more godly, exercising your personal responsibility in sanctification whilst also depending on the work of the Spirit.

As some others have remarked, reading this book also reminded me of the sufficiency of Scripture alone as Bridges continually refers back to Scripture to support his points. He also encourages readers to memorise and meditate on passages in order to renew your mind in most if not every chapter (Romans 12:2)

Praise God for bold biblical teachers that are willing to remind you of your sinfulness and point you back to Christ for grace and strength to continue running the race!
Profile Image for Sunflower.
268 reviews43 followers
November 29, 2010
In, “The Practice of Godliness“, Jerry Bridges explores the nature of what does it mean to be godly and to leave a godly life and the importance it plays in the Christian Life.

At 226 pages and complete with the “Practice of Godliness” study guide, “The Practice of Godliness” was and is an intriguing read and good for not only personal exploration and development as a follower of Christ, but for group settings as we are called to understand what it means to be a godly Christian and particularly as we leave in a world that encourages the self over that of our Heavenly Father desires.

Short chapters but convicting, Jerry Bridges, both writes in a encouraging and challenging prose that leads the reader to ask oneself, “Am I living a life that is truly godly”, or, “Am I simply going through the motions for reasons other than for our Heavenly Father”?

On page 17, Jerry shares,

“It is sad that many Christians do not have this aura of godliness about them. They may be talented and personable, or very busy in the Lord’s work, or even apparently successful in some avenues of Christian service, and still not be godly. Why? Because they are not devoted to God. They may be devoted to a vision or to a ministry, or to their own reputation as a Christian, but not to God.” from, “The Practice of Godliness.

What impresses me about Mr. Bridges writing is his humbliness. In the preface, he shares, “There is a certain sense of anxiety in committing these studies to print that comes from the warning of James that “not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, becasue you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.” (James 3:1).

He comes across in his writing as someone who desires to encourage and challenged others in a loving way, in their walk with our Father, to grow and be nourished by our Father’s word, yet takes seriously the commitment to writing that he feels laid on his heart.

“The Practice of Godliness” is a wonderful book that does not promises quick fixes or read and over night one, will become more godly, but rather, addresses the question of “What is being godly”, “Where in the Bible do we see these examples” and also “What do we need to address, not in others, but in ourselves to grow more godly and also God-fearing” in our walk with our Heavenly Father.

This is a book that is not heavily written that those who don’t have the time for serious reading can’t read, nor is it so lightly written that those who are serious in being challenged and grown won’t find themselves both encouraged and convicted and challenged to growing closer to our Heavenly Father and discovering the qualities that truly make up the Christian character.

A splendid read, I highly recommend, “The Practice of Godliness” to the first time reader about Christian growth, new to the faith, and the ever maturing follower.
Profile Image for Mandy J. Hoffman.
Author 1 book89 followers
May 6, 2010

The Practice of Godliness is a wonderful book for any believer to read; and re-read. However, when used hand-in-hand with the Discussion Guide, it makes this book even better. If that is possible!

A lot of books these days come with discussion guides built in or on the side, but this duo takes a different twist on the use of such a guide. This is designed to do the discussion guide first and then read the book. While this seems backward at first, it actually aids in the learning. You study the scriptures first, then read the author's teaching, then follow up with questions to discuss, or simply think about if you are doing the study alone. This approach grounds the study more in God's Word than any other I have read.

The study as a whole - with or without the use of the Discussion Guide - is wonderful. It addresses deep theology and biblical truth in a very down-to-earth manner that is easy to understand while challenge our spiritual growth. The Practice of Godliness also takes it from mere thought to application as you study 12 character traits of godliness through out this book.

This is a a great study for Sr. High teens to adults. It is easy to use as an individual and set up to make a great group study as well.


Scripture tells us that God has given us "everything we need for life and godliness." But what makes a Christian godly?

In this book, Navigator author Jerry Bridges examines what it means to grow in Christian character. Learn more about the character of God as you grow a deeper relationship with Him. Establish the foundation upon which godly character is built and continue by developing maturity and pursuing holiness.


Jerry Bridges is an author and conference speaker. His most popular book, The Pursuit of Holiness, has sold over one million copies. Jerry has been on the staff of The Navigators for over fifty years and currently serves in the collegiate mission department, where he is involved primarily in staff development but also serves as a speaker resource to the campus ministries.

* * * * *

This review copy was provided courtesy of NavPress.
Profile Image for Laverne Ombadykow.
43 reviews9 followers
February 20, 2011
It took me a month to work through this entire small group curriculum, but it was worth it. I learned that growth in godliness requires hard work and that nothing belongs to me (I can't take it with me when I die). What is really important and will make me content is godliness, and training for godliness is my personal responsibility. Reading the Bible, praying, memorizing scripture and meditation are the tools I need to grow in various areas that are identified in the book. Although the responsibility for development is mine, the power comes from Christ. Biblical examples of people who pursued growth are plentiful and include Abraham, Joseph and David.

This book has wide margins, so as I worked I was able to take notes. It also has study questions at the end of the chapters (sometime at the end of two chapters ~ 18 chapters are structured into 12 sessions). These questions helped me to examine my life and encouraged me to pursue growth. I enjoyed the whole book, but my favorite chapter was the chapter on humility because I haven't seen it listed among the fruit of the spirit and I know that humility is important to God. He opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble, so it's good to have some guidance on how to work on that area. Honesty, loyalty, self-control and dependability are just a few of the other attributes that are discussed. Finally, the book reminds me that there is a balance between God's grace and my personal responsibility when I am pursuing godliness.

*I received this book free from NavPress as part of their Blogging 4 Books program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
Profile Image for Douglas.
7 reviews
August 20, 2015
Excellent exhortation and instruction about the practice of living a godly life; the practice of godliness. It would be good to re-read this book, or parts of it, about every 6-12 months; or even more often. One could use this book as a companion to regular Bible reading also.

Godliness is first of all about living your life in a close personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ in the power of His Holy Spirit. It is a general three-in-one fear-love-desire focus for the Triune God; the fear of God, the love of God, and the desire for God. These all then encircle a deep devotion for the living and all powerful God; Father, Son Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit.

The Christian desires, or should desire, to live a life emulating God's character in every way, and pleasing Him in faithfulness faithfully. The Christian ought to always be growing and desiring to grow in godly character, toward the holy and righteous character of God Himself.

This book carefully and Biblically considers several godly virtues and fruits of the Holy Spirit while exhorting me, and all Christians, by means of God's word, Spirit, and prayer, to exercise and constantly grow in humility, contentment, thankfulness, joy, holiness, self-control, faithfulness, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, goodness, and LOVE.

I'll be reading and/or reviewing this book again, keeping it close at hand in my reading room.

The book is loaded with Biblical references to each character and fruit mentioned above. The theme verse is

1 Timothy 4:8;

"For physical training is of some value, but GODLINESS has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come."
Profile Image for Amydeanne.
117 reviews
June 1, 2010
The Practice of Godliness
“Godliness has value for all things” 1 Timothy 4:8
by Jerry Bridges


What is godliness?

What Makes someone godly?

These are some of the questions that Jerry poses in the beginning of his book. He provides a captivating study of God's word and how to understand our part in learning to be godly. This is his follow up book to Pursuit of Holiness (which I have not read).

The book is broken deliberately into three sections - each covering parts of godliness such as humility, contentment, thankfulness, joy, holiness, self-control, faithfulness, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, goodness and love.

I really liked this book though a few times I felt like it was a little over my head. I found my head swarming with all the verses and quotes and had to step back from it time and time again to take some of it in. I am pretty sure I'll be doing it over again at some point. It is a very convicting read that will not allow you to stay as you are in your Christian walk! So be prepared to move forward and learn through this study!

The Practice of Godliness can be accompanied by it's study guide if you want to do it in a group setting. Personally I found that I would have been totally lost without it, so I will recommend it for those who might struggle like I did through it.

That being said Jerry gives a great examples and digs in deep. I think all of us need to learn how to be more godly.

** review copy provided by NavPress
April 26, 2010
The Practice of Godliness by Jerry Bridges is the sequel to The Pursuit of Holiness. While The Pursuit of Holiness focused on dealing with sin in our lives, The Practice of Godliness focuses on growing in Christian character.

The author states that “the practice of godliness is an exercise or discipline that focuses upon God.”

We cannot please God without taking time to walk with Him and develop a relationship with him. This new book teaches readers that devotion to God always results in Christian character. It’s impossible to get closer to God, without taking on more of His character and attributes. I would venture to say that EVERY Christian should read this book, at least once a year. Whether you’ve walked with God your entire life or are a brand new Christian – there is something that everyone can learn from this study.

Some of the topics covered are: Devotion to God, Training Yourself To Be Godly, Humility, Contentment, Thankfulness, Joy, Holiness, Self-Control…all very good character traits that no one has perfected. The study is well written, easy to understand and broken down into “digestible” pieces so that you have time to really absorb the point of each chapter.

A companion discussion guide is available for this book which makes a fantastic study resource either for an individual or a group. The study guide helps the reader to go deeper into the topic, and offers opportunity for personal reflection and examination.
Profile Image for C.
1,134 reviews1,034 followers
September 9, 2021
This is a well-written, Biblically sound book about practicing godliness. Each chapter covers a different character trait, such as humility, thankfulness, and peace. My wife and I read this for devotions. It worked well because it includes so many Bible verses and just the right depth (neither too shallow nor too theologically dense).

“Though the power for godly character comes from Christ, the responsibility for developing and displaying that character is ours.” “We are both personally responsible and totally dependent in our practice of godliness. We cannot change our hearts; that is the exclusive work of the Holy Spirit. But we can and must avail ourselves of the means He uses.”

Be content in possessions, position, and Providence.

“The result promised to us when we come to God in prayer with thanksgiving is not deliverance, but the peace of God.” See Philippians 4:6-7

Salvation is by faith, not works (Ephesians 2:8-9). However, God has prepared good works for us to do (Ephesians 2:10).

“We should think of our vocation, therefore, not as a necessary evil to pay the bills, nor even as an opportunity to become rich, but as the primary path of our Christian walk wherein God has planned good deeds for us to do.”
May 15, 2021
This book contained a lot of useful insights and applications for developing greater Christian character, but I didn't find it particularly engaging. It served really well as an inspiration for greater self-reflection and Bible study for each of the traits he discusses. Each chapter is full of Scriptural references, and the edition I read has a discussion guide at the back if you want to journal/talk through the chapters with greater depth. However, Bridges's writing was not super engaging, and the pattern for each chapter felt somewhat repetitive around the halfway point of the book.

The book's central message is really sound: godliness is centered around greater devotion to God and the pursuit of greater character based on Jesus' example as a response to and manifestation of your devotion to God. The Practice of Godliness certainly was thought-provoking and challenged me to make some changes in certain areas of my life, but at times it felt like I was trudging and slogging through chapters to get through them.
1,035 reviews24 followers
October 1, 2010
We finished this book that we'd been doing for Sunday school. Bridges breaks down by chapter qualities of godliness (toward God): humility, contentment, thoughtfulness, joy; (toward self): holiness, self-control, faithfulness; (toward others): peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, goodness, love. A quote I must remember: "We must remind ourselves that God has not seen fit to make our minds the depository of the sum total of His teaching." And: "Discontent is questioning the goodness of God." We used the study guide, which included looking up lots of Scripture references. Bridges writes in a very readable way with lots of personal illustrations and profound insights. I understand that when he speaks at the Navigator training program, he's very 'dry' but a favorite of the students because of the wisdom he shares.
Profile Image for Charlie.
5 reviews4 followers
June 27, 2012
Definitely not the easiest read I've had this year, but definitely one of the greatest.

Bridges brings conviction, directness, and hope as he digs deep into what it looks like to really seek to build a discipline of following Jesus with your life.

This book took me almost 3 months to read, and I actually read about 5 others before I finished it, simply because it isn't a very sexy read. Bridges doesn't "Put it in a way you'll understand." He doesn't reference movies and books, he doesn't pursue the cultural vernacular. What he does do though is lay out simply and clearly some pretty significant truths. The straightforwardness of it makes it more trustworthy, in my opinion.

What it lacks in shine it more than makes up for in substance. I'd highly recommend this book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 122 reviews

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